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Subspecialties Glaucoma

Thinking Ahead

| Sponsored by Santen Pharmaceuticals

Preserved glaucoma product use increases the probability that future glaucoma surgery will fail. Let’s examine the literature…

Business & Profession Retina

E-learning for SPECTRALIS Widefield Imaging Module now available

For doctors and other operators to get familiar with the Widefield Imaging Module, the Heidelberg Engineering Academy has recently launched an interactive video tutorial.

Subspecialties Cornea / Ocular Surface

Who Benefits from Preservative-Free Glaucoma Therapy?

| Sponsored by Santen Pharmaceuticals

Taking the time to talk with patients about the signs and symptoms of ocular surface disease and performing some quick assessments could ensure selection of the most appropriate therapy, and help improve patient outcomes

Subspecialties Glaucoma

Wireless Drug Dosing

| Roisin McGuigan

“Smart” nanowires deliver drugs on demand using an applied electromagnetic field

Subspecialties Cornea / Ocular Surface

Why Preservative Free Should Be the Standard of Care in Glaucoma

| Sponsored by Santen Pharmaceuticals

Why persist with preservatives? Those present in topical glaucoma therapies don’t improve the active compound’s efficacy – and cause ocular surface disease in many patients

Subspecialties Retina

Target Practice

| Michael Schubert

A light box and a 35 mm slide could be all you need for therapeutic laser target practice

Subspecialties Imaging & Diagnostics

Hot on the Trail

Thermography could offer a noninvasive way of assessing bleb function

Business & Profession Glaucoma

Balancing Act

VR headsets could identify those with glaucoma at the greatest risk of falls

Subspecialties Cornea / Ocular Surface

Glaucoma and the Burden of Ocular Surface Disease

| Sponsored by Santen Pharmaceuticals

As many as six in every ten patients with glaucoma have ocular surface disease – and this can have a huge impact on their daily lives. We explore why, and what can be done.

Subspecialties Glaucoma

The Fewer the Meds, the Better the Outcome?

| Steven Vold

Trimming down the number of concomitant topical glaucoma medications your patients need with MIGS devices could lead to happier patients with better-controlled IOP.

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