09/30/2016 | Roisin McGuigan
Does general anesthesia make IOP measurements unreliable? No.
The Glaucoma Module Premium Edition adds diagnostic capabilities to Heidelberg Engineering’s SPECTRALIS® OCT imaging platform. The module provides clinicians with several objective and automated measurement parameters to deliver increased diagnostic accuracy.
09/12/2016 | David Crabb
Why the dogma of "tunnel vision" can be dangerous for both patients with glaucoma and clinicians.
09/07/2016 | John Berdahl
How does humankind make it to Mars? By redefining glaucoma, for starters…
At the meetings of the European Society of Retina Specialists (EURETINA) and European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons (ESCRS) in Copenhagen from September 9th to 13th Heidelberg Engineering seeks to engage in a dialog about smart multimodal imaging.
09/05/2016 | Ruth Steer
Pro-fibrotic signatures may play a role in causing glaucoma…
08/05/2016 | Ruth Steer
Can non-invasive brain stimulation in patients with optic nerve damage restore vision?
If topical prostaglandin therapy softens the cornea, it makes it harder to trust the readings on your Goldmann tonometer.
Heidelberg Engineering has acquired Symed Medical Systems, its very successful exclusive distribution partner in Switzerland for the last 22 years.
06/09/2016 | Mark Hillen
Is a bimatoprost-eluting silicone ring a credible alternative to eyedrops?
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