06/09/2015 | Sponsored by Santen Pharmaceuticals
The first and only EU-approved ciclosporin eyedrop has arrived – what does this mean for patients with severe keratitis in dry eye disease?
06/08/2015 | Mark Hillen
Could femtosecond laser-assisted keratopigmentation represent a new way of correcting presbyopia?
A naturally-occurring proteogylcan, decorin, can effect CXL-like biomechanical changes when applied to ex-vivo human and porcine corneas.
Second corneal transplants are far more likely to be rejected than first-time grafts – but now that we know why, we might be able to prevent it
05/11/2015 | Sponsored by Heidelberg Engineering
OCT angiography (OCT-A) is poised to augment, and in many cases, replace traditional methods of examining the retinal and choroidal vasculature – once certain technical challenges are addressed.
05/11/2015 | Sponsored by Santen Pharmaceuticals
As many as six in every ten patients with glaucoma have ocular surface disease – and this can have a huge impact on their daily lives. We explore why, and what can be done.
Managing dry eye disease becomes disproportionately more difficult as the severity of the disease increases: artificial tears and lubricants are not enough to help patients with severe dry eye disease.
04/14/2015 | Sponsored by Santen Pharmaceuticals
The multifactorial nature of dry eye disease means that often, there’s a discordance between signs and symptoms, confounding diagnosis. Can things be improved?
There’s still a place for retinoscopy in the diagnosis and staging of corneal ectasias
Nanoparticles deliver sustained corticosteroid levels to prevent corneal graft rejection
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Redressing Representation
Living with TED: My Race from Patient to Advocate
How Dry Eye Disease Impacts Younger Patients
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