Sponsor companies proudly present their impressive contributions to the ophthalmic community.
12/08/2014 | Mark Hillen
Here we recognize a year’s worth of innovation. Apps, IOLs, vitreous cutters, imagers and lasers – the latest and greatest of these are all there.
Sitting Down With… Charles McGhee, Director of the New Zealand National Eye Centre, University of Auckland, New Zealand.
10/10/2014 | John West, J. Martin Collinson
Fusing the embryos of mice, where one contains a marker of its lineage, is a well-established technique in developmental biology research. The stripy corneas were still a surprise, though…
09/09/2014 | Roisin McGuigan
Two studies demonstrate the safety and potential of decentered corneal collagen cross linking
07/31/2014 | Roisin McGuigan
A student lost sight in one eye after failing to remove her disposable contact lenses for six months. So how did tabloid journalists turn it into such a popular news story?
06/18/2014 | Anita Nevyas-Wallace
Dramatic improvements in the results from an astigmatic keratotomy model suggest that the femtosecond laser may be more than a rich ophthalmologist’s toy after all.
06/17/2014 | Mark Hillen
What does analysis of the last five years of the literature on keratoconus tell us about the priorities of the field and the major contributors to it?
06/17/2014 | David Huang, Joannah Vaughan
With childhood vision disorders like amblyopia and strabismus, early diagnosis is the key to treatment success.
The body’s own regulatory T-lymphocytes, known as Tregs, can be taught to douse inflammation.
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Redressing Representation
Living with TED: My Race from Patient to Advocate
How Dry Eye Disease Impacts Younger Patients
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