In patients with keratoconus, CXL halts progression up to seven years on
10/05/2015 | Mark Hillen
Why is public awareness of dry eye so disturbingly low, and what can be done to change this?
The feedback and reactions to the first public presentation of Heidelberg Engineering’s new Cataract and Refractive Imaging Platform* at the ESCRS in Barcelona were extremely positive. Many leading ophthalmologists visited Heidelberg Engineering’s booth for a hands-on preview of the swept-source OCT Cataract and Refractive Imaging Platform and had the chance to experience its versatility. Have a look at this Eyewire TV to find out more.
Heidelberg Engineering will offer a preview of its cataract and refractive imaging platform* during this year’s Congress of the ESCRS in Barcelona. The platform is based on an upgradable, modular design, which allows to configure each product to the specific diagnostic workflow in a practice or clinic. Main options include: IOL biometry, corneal topography/tomography, anterior segment biometry and anterior segment imaging.
Five Things We Learned This Month
08/11/2015 | Sponsored by Santen Pharmaceuticals
Taking the time to talk with patients about the signs and symptoms of ocular surface disease and performing some quick assessments could ensure selection of the most appropriate therapy, and help improve patient outcomes
08/11/2015 | Roisin McGuigan
An updated surgical technique restores sensation to patients with corneal anesthesia
06/09/2015 | Mark Hillen, Roisin McGuigan, Michael Schubert
Tumbling Es and Philanthropy
06/09/2015 | Sponsored by Santen Pharmaceuticals
Why persist with preservatives? Those present in topical glaucoma therapies don’t improve the active compound’s efficacy – and cause ocular surface disease in many patients
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Redressing Representation
Living with TED: My Race from Patient to Advocate
How Dry Eye Disease Impacts Younger Patients
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