From cornea to retina, NGF’s regenerative and neuroprotective potential seems immense. What does the future hold for this versatile little neurotrophin?
Racial background modifies risk; diabetes protects, but asthma and sleep apnea predisposes
Could transcranial direct current stimulation treat amblyopia in adults?
03/07/2016 | Mark Hillen
Benefits achieved in the first year maintained; VA performance gap in patients with low baseline vision narrows
The number of people donating their eye tissue for research purposes keeps on falling – why?
It’s not enough to regrow the optic nerve: to generate functional vision, you have to restore conduction too
01/15/2016 | Irv Arons
Imagine being able to edit, delete or replace defective genes. It’s happening in research labs, and will soon head to the clinic
01/15/2016 | Michael Schubert, Mark Hillen
For retina stem cell researchers, growing and purifying lots of RGCs from hPSCs has been hard… until now
01/15/2016 | Michael Schubert
Marine mammals have tear films filled with interesting antimicrobial agents – and understanding the compounds present might one day lead to new antibiotic drugs
01/15/2016 | Mark Hillen
Photoreceptors – and the retina in general – are highly metabolically active. But their maxed-out mitochondria can’t give much more. And when even small metabolic imbalances arise…
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Redressing Representation
Living with TED: My Race from Patient to Advocate
How Dry Eye Disease Impacts Younger Patients
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