“In Conversation With...”, an ongoing series of informal interviews with some of the biggest personalities in ophthalmology in glorious settings around the globe.
10/06/2015 | Roisin McGuigan
Five Things We Learned This Month
What does analysis of the last five years of literature on femtosecond lasers tell us about the priorities of the field, and the major contributors to it?
10/06/2015 | Milind Pande
Creative approaches and specialized visual acuity measurements can lead to success in presbyopic lens surgery
10/06/2015 | Sponsored by Santen Pharmaceuticals
Dry eye disease is hugely prevalent, hard to diagnose, and in the case of severe disease, can be extremely difficult to treat. What can be done to improve matters?
10/06/2015 | Niro Narendran
Adopting a treat-and-extend approach for the treatment of wet AMD with anti-VEGF drugs – though potentially complex in the coordination – can have considerable benefits for patients, carers and healthcare systems
Sitting down with... Anneke den Hollander, Professor, Department of Ophthalmology, Radboud University Medical Center, Nijmegen, the Netherlands
10/05/2015 | Sponsored by Santen Pharmaceuticals
Preserved glaucoma product use increases the probability that future glaucoma surgery will fail. Let’s examine the literature…
Though highly successful, retinoblastoma radio- and chemotherapy increases the risk of secondary cancer. Is there an alternative?
10/05/2015 | Michael Schubert
New neuroscience reveals that the synaptic connections between the retinal ganglion cells and the visual cortex are not as simple as first thought
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Redressing Representation
Living with TED: My Race from Patient to Advocate
How Dry Eye Disease Impacts Younger Patients
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