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Subspecialties Retina

Oraya Therapy: Treating Naïve Patients

Christopher Brand, Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon, discusses the treatment of recently diagnosed wet AMD patients

Subspecialties Retina

Oraya Therapy: Patient Selection for Best Wet AMD Outcomes

Professor Dr. Salvatore Grisanti reviews selection criteria for best outcomes using Oraya Therapy for wet AMD

Subspecialties Retina

Oraya Therapy: One-year Outcomes

Dr. med Katja Hatz discusses the treat and extend approach to wet AMD with the Oraya Therapy

Subspecialties Retina

Oraya Therapy: Patient Experience

Consultant ophthalmic surgeon Professor Tariq Aslam shares clinical insights and patient experiences with the Oraya Therapy for the treatment of wet AMD in the UK

Subspecialties Retina

Is Retinal Radiotherapy Safe?

Professor Ian Rennie, Consultant Ophthalmologist and International Expert in Treatments of Ocular Cancers, discusses the safe use of radiotherapy for the treatment of wet AMD

Subspecialties Retina

Oraya Therapy: Three-year Safety

Consultant ophthalmic surgeon Timothy L. Jackson, PhD FRCOphth reviews 3-year safety data of stereotactic radiotherapy for the treatment for wet AMD

Subspecialties Retina

Real World Clinical Outcomes: Wet AMD, 81-year-old male

Time-elapsed clinical images demonstrating the treatment results and impact of Oraya Therapy on wet AMD

Subspecialties Retina

Real World Clinical Outcomes: Wet AMD, 58-year-old female

Time-elapsed clinical images demonstrating the treatment results and impact of Oraya Therapy on wet AMD

Subspecialties Retina

Real World Clinical Outcomes: Wet AMD, 90-year-old male

Time-elapsed clinical images demonstrating the treatment results and impact of Oraya Therapy on wet AMD

Subspecialties Retina

Real World Clinical Outcomes: Wet AMD, 73-year-old female

Time-elapsed clinical images demonstrating the treatment results and impact of Oraya Therapy on wet AMD

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