Nominations for The Ophthalmologist 2016 Power List are now closed.
03/07/2016 | Gregory D. Parkhurst
Refractive surgeons know the pros and cons of LASIK better than anyone – but how many would recommend it to their family, or undergo it themselves?
03/07/2016 | Hakam Ghabra
Taking an ophthalmic startup from concept to reality
Many patients visit the emergency room with ocular problems that might be better treated elsewhere – why? And what’s the solution?
Could patient self-testing help to free up eye clinics, and spot macular degeneration earlier than traditional testing methods?
OpenPrescribing.net shows some interesting trends in ophthalmic therapy prescription and spend over the last five years
The Power List is a celebration of excellence – and the impact it’s had on those it highlights has been impressive
The definitive story of Zepto: from conception to capsulotomy
Visual changes are a major risk in long-term spaceflight – but why are some astronauts more affected than others?
The number of people donating their eye tissue for research purposes keeps on falling – why?
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Redressing Representation
Living with TED: My Race from Patient to Advocate
How Dry Eye Disease Impacts Younger Patients
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