09/06/2016 | Amar Agarwal
The Ophthalmic Premier League educates, excites and amazes. Here’s what we learned in Las Vegas!
Mark Hillen Interviews Jim Mazzo
09/05/2016 | Paul Sternberg, Jr and Janice C. Law
How ophthalmologists can get involved in local politics to overcome key issues and influence legislation.
TrueVision and Alcon team-up, Pfizer returns rights to ranibizumab biosimilar, and more...
09/05/2016 | Mark Hillen
We’re here, and we’re clear about what we’re bringing to the table.
The Ophthalmologist North America – coming September 2016
08/09/2016 | Ruth Steer
It’s been a busy summer in the ophthalmic business space…
A beautiful image of a pupillary defect by Sergina Flaherty.
08/08/2016 | Ruth Steer
How does your practice compare with others around the EU?
We sit down with Wolfgang Haigis, Professor, Department of Ophthalmology, University of Würzburg.
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Redressing Representation
Living with TED: My Race from Patient to Advocate
How Dry Eye Disease Impacts Younger Patients
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