12/02/2013 | Mark Hillen
Bayer and Regeneron have presented the phase III trial data for aflibercept treatment of myopic choroidal neovascularization
An iPhone, an app, and a 20 D lens, along with a bit of practice, will get you fundus photographs in a pinch
12/02/2013 | Richard Gallagher
Two studies have found a link between long-term usage of contraceptive pills and glaucoma
Analysis of a rich long-term epidemiological dataset reveals that interventions have significantly reduced the probability of open-angle glaucoma-related blindness
10/29/2013 | Florian Gekeler
Can transcorneal electrical stimulation help reverse retinal degeneration in retinitis pigmentosa? Ongoing clinical trials suggest that it may.
10/29/2013 | Scott Mackie
Screening macular pigment density aids early detection of age-related macular degeneration. Here’s a guide to a snappy one-minute test using autofluorescence spectrometry.
10/29/2013 | Fedra Hajizadeh
Enhanced depth imaging optical coherence tomography has allowed high-quality imaging of the choroid for the first time, with wide implications for patient outcome.
10/28/2013 | Gregory Hageman
Striking variation in its presentation, progression, genetics and biology suggest that AMD may be a collection of closely-related conditions.
10/28/2013 | Mark Hillen
Should patients with presbyopia be swapping their natural lens for a multifocal IOL?
The benefits of cataract surgery extend well beyond improvement in visual acuity, according to results from a recently-published study by Australian researchers
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