Sponsor companies proudly present their impressive contributions to the ophthalmic community.
12/08/2014 | Mark Hillen
Here we recognize a year’s worth of innovation. Apps, IOLs, vitreous cutters, imagers and lasers – the latest and greatest of these are all there.
Peek Retina is an adaptor for your smartphone that promises easy and high-quality fundoscopy – no matter if you’re in Scotland or sub-Saharan Africa
OCT angiography offers high-resolution imaging of the deep retinal vasculature
09/12/2014 | Mark Hillen
Many astronauts develop eye problems in space. NASA wants to know why, so they’ve established the Vision Impairment and Intracranial Pressure (VIIP) program.
07/31/2014 | Sanjay Mantry
Limbal relaxing incisions were a large part of my approach to treating astigmatism in patients undergoing cataract surgery. No longer…
07/31/2014 | Cécile Delcourt
We look to the oldest in society to understand the contribution of poor nutrition to ophthalmic disease
06/17/2014 | Mark Hillen
In August, The Ophthalmologist will publish a special issue showcasing the very best images from the field of ophthalmology.
04/13/2014 | Mark Hillen
More money-saving combinations of smartphones and snap-on adapters that enable you to perform eye examinations on-the-go.
01/20/2014 | Mark Hillen
OCT imaging visualizes retinal nerve fiber layers and the thickness of the macula; abnormalities in either can predict the stage and duration of schizophrenia.
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Redressing Representation
Living with TED: My Race from Patient to Advocate
How Dry Eye Disease Impacts Younger Patients
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