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Imaging & Diagnostics

Business & Profession Cornea / Ocular Surface

Incredible Images

| Mark Hillen, Roisin McGuigan, Michael Schubert

Tumbling Es and Philanthropy

Subspecialties Retina

Images of the Posterior Segment

| Mark Hillen, Roisin McGuigan, Michael Schubert

See More. Treat More Effectively

Subspecialties Imaging & Diagnostics

Images of Ophthalmology

| Mark Hillen, Roisin McGuigan, Michael Schubert

Popular culture has always viewed eyes as things of beauty. But there’s more to the eye than the color of your irides.

Subspecialties Imaging & Diagnostics

It’s Never as Simple as it Seems

| Mark Hillen

A simple, clean and elegant gene editing technique might not be that simple, clean or elegant.

Subspecialties Retina

Nocturnal Light Saves Sight

An illuminated sleep mask that exploits the Troxler effect might transform the treatment of diabetic retinopathy

Subspecialties Cataract

Eye, Robot

Ophthalmic surgery that incorporates robotic assistance holds the promise of surgeries that are “better than the best of humans”

Subspecialties Refractive

One Test to Rule Them All?

Measuring refractive error at six years of age may be the best way to predict which children will go on to become myopes

Subspecialties Imaging & Diagnostics

Hot on the Trail

Thermography could offer a noninvasive way of assessing bleb function

Subspecialties Imaging & Diagnostics

A Penny Pusher Model of Lens Growth

New research shows that lens epithelial cells proliferate along a narrow line, pushing older cells toward the equator and then the center of the lens

Subspecialties Cornea / Ocular Surface

Classifying Keratoconus – Classically

There’s still a place for retinoscopy in the diagnosis and staging of corneal ectasias

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