Maximizing the advantages of femtosecond laser-assisted cataract surgery
Femtosecond laser-assisted cataract surgery in eyes with small pupils can be tricky and fraught with problems. Pupil expansion devices can help overcome them.
Ophthalmic surgery that incorporates robotic assistance holds the promise of surgeries that are “better than the best of humans”
Preoperative evaluation is not recommended for patients about to undergo cataract surgery – so why are ophthalmologists in the US continuing to order costly tests?
We look at the last 50 years of Fight for Sight – the projects it has funded, and the discoveries its funding helped to achieve.
Ophthalmologists and other eye health stakeholders lobby UK Parliament to implement improved sight loss and eye health services
02/12/2015 | Robert Montés-Micó
The evolution and application of an apodized diffractive-refractive multifocal intraocular lens
02/12/2015 | Florian Kretz
Assessing the visual performance of multifocal and presbyopia-correcting IOLs far more challenging than it is with monofocal IOLs. Here’s what you need to take into account.
02/10/2015 | Theo Seiler, Bojan Pajic, Jodhbir (Jod) Mehta, Luis Izquierdo Jr.
To The New Femtosecond Laser Generation
The Oculentis Mplus X toric multifocal IOL has had some bad press recently – on the front page of a UK newspaper. But was it warranted?
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Redressing Representation
Living with TED: My Race from Patient to Advocate
How Dry Eye Disease Impacts Younger Patients
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