10/31/2018 | Sponsored by Santen Pharmaceuticals
Highlights from the “Decoding Glaucoma: A place for 24-hour IOP control” educational symposium organized by Santen and held at the 13th EGS Congress, Florence, Italy, on May 19, 2018. The symposium was moderated by Carlo Traverso (University of Genova, Italy), and featured presentations and comments from Luciano Quaranta (University of Brescia, Italy), Antonio Figueiredo (University of Lisbon, Portugal), and Anastasios Konstas (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece).
10/30/2018 | Sponsored by Optos
Highlights from the satellite symposium “Optos 200° Ultra-Widefield Retinal Imaging: Clinical Advances and Emerging Applications” held on 21 September 2018, at the 18th EURETINA Congress, Vienna, Austria.
10/24/2018 | Liliana Werner
Sitting Down With… Liliana Werner, Co-Director of the Intermountain Ocular Research Center, John A. Moran Eye Center, University of Utah, UT, USA
How working in different parts of the world influenced my outlook on the most important aspects of life as an ophthalmologist.
Combining VR ‘gaming’ technology with advanced wireless electroencephalography may transform the monitoring and diagnosis of visual disorders – particularly glaucoma.
10/24/2018 | Peter Good
Earlier diagnosis, more timely intervention and more rational clinical decisions: the advantages of steady-state pattern electroretinography should not be ignored.
Received wisdom tells us that refractive lens exchange is safe and effective. But what does the evidence say? George Beiko investigates.
10/24/2018 | Phoebe Harkin
We ask those championing change why, in a post #MeToo era, female ophthalmologists need support now more than ever.
Rebecca Adams, self-proclaimed ‘ordinary ophthalmologist,’ reflects on a life spent between two great loves
Selwa Al-Hazzaa, one of the most influential women in the Arab world, who has achieved international success, professionally, medically, academically and politically, is now empowering other women to reach similar heights.
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Redressing Representation
Living with TED: My Race from Patient to Advocate
How Dry Eye Disease Impacts Younger Patients
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