09/19/2018 | Gary Wörtz
Keeping the future of ophthalmology open to adjustment and new technologies
09/19/2018 | Harvey Uy
How modular technologies hold the promise of perfect vision for patients
09/19/2018 | Ruth Steer
Leading lights in the field of cataract and refractive surgery consider the impact of adjustable technologies
09/19/2018 | Ralph Chu
Why I think femtosecond laser adjustment of IOLs is the future of cataract and refractive surgery
09/19/2018 | Liliana Werner
We discuss the potential of adjustable lens technology with Liliana Werner, one of the world leaders in IOL research.
09/19/2018 | George O. Waring IV
Looking ahead to the adjustable lens technologies of tomorrow
09/19/2018 | Carol Shields
Sitting Down With… Carol Shields, Chief of the Ocular Oncology Service at Wills Eye Hospital and Professor of Ophthalmology at Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia, USA
09/19/2018 | Sneha Konda and Bala Ambati
Assessing the use of corneal crosslinking for the treatment for bacterial keratitis
09/19/2018 | Erin Shriver
As ophthalmologists, we have a duty of care to our patients – and sometimes that means asking difficult questions.
09/19/2018 | Sponsored by OCULUS
How the new BIOM® HD Disposable Lens and HD Disposable LenZ from OCULUS provide vitreoretinal surgeons the perfect view – in every case
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Redressing Representation
Living with TED: My Race from Patient to Advocate
How Dry Eye Disease Impacts Younger Patients
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