How and why technological and scientific discoveries from diverse fields drive ophthalmology forward
It’s time to change the way we think about premium lenses for glaucoma patients.
The powerful magnification in this fundus image montage highlights the Iluvien micro-implant like the bright yellow anther in a stargazer lily.
11/21/2018 | Phoebe Harkin
Small-particle pollution could increase glaucoma risk in older men
Could a double-layered eye patch answer common drug delivery problems?
Are traditional glaucoma tests failing to detect central vision damage?
The latest ophthalmology news – in brief
Californian researchers have successfully restored sight to blind rats in a landmark study
One foot in the present, one foot in the past, and an eye on the future, ophthalmology is a profession caught between three worlds.
10/31/2018 | Sponsored by Hoya
The HOYA 4-in-1 multiSertTM delivery system preloaded with VivinexTM IOL offers unmatched IOL delivery flexibility and consistency, but how does the VivinexTM IOL perform over the longer term?
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Redressing Representation
Living with TED: My Race from Patient to Advocate
How Dry Eye Disease Impacts Younger Patients
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