When it comes to newly approved treatments, real-world evidence is always eagerly anticipated
05/05/2016 | Tiarnan Keenan
A new association is identified between sleep apnea and AMD, which could put the OSA and POAG theory to bed
05/05/2016 | Michael F. Chiang
Indirect ophthalmoscopy is the gold standard for ROP diagnosis, but it comes with multiple challenges: logistical difficulties, legal liability, reproducibility problems, and a skills gap. Is telemedicine the answer?
05/05/2016 | Mark Hillen
The five-year follow-up data are in. Half of all patients retain BCVA of 20/40 or better, irrespective of drug used
Novel compounds prevent disease progression in mouse models of glaucoma
In the quest to unearth alternative treatment strategies that don't rely on VEGF inhibition, researchers made some surprising discoveries...
A journey from pencil drawings of retinal pathology to fluorescence lifetime imaging ophthalmoscopy. By Frank Holz
04/07/2016 | Mark Hillen
Retinal angiomatous proliferation (RAP) is driven by oxygen deprivation, right? The road to retinal VEGF expression might be driven, in part, by energy deficiency
Heidelberg Engineering has reached an important corporate milestone with the 10,000th SPECTRALIS® diagnostic imaging platform, which has been delivered to a French retina specialist.
From cornea to retina, NGF’s regenerative and neuroprotective potential seems immense. What does the future hold for this versatile little neurotrophin?
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Redressing Representation
Living with TED: My Race from Patient to Advocate
How Dry Eye Disease Impacts Younger Patients
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