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Subspecialties Glaucoma

Glaucoma Management Strategies

| Mark Hillen

In many patients, glaucoma cannot be controlled with eyedrops, but a range of surgical techniques and drainage devices can help.

Subspecialties Glaucoma

POAG predisposition

| Mark Hillen

Predictors for primary open-angle glaucoma in a South Indian population.

Subspecialties Retina

Interleukin for a better wet AMD therapy

| Mark Hillen

Subcutaneously-administrated IL-18 works well to reverse choroidal neovascularization (in mice).

Subspecialties Retina

The Vitreomacular Interface Influences AMD Outcomes

| Isabelle Leach

Evidence is stacking up that the configuration of the VMI alters the functional and anatomic efficacy of anti-VEGF drugs.

Subspecialties Cornea / Ocular Surface

Reinventing the Eyedrop: the story of Cationorm

| Mark Hillen

Making an optimal eyedrop formulation has always been a major challenge; compromises had to be made. Nanodroplet emulsion technology has changed that. Here’s how.

Subspecialties Other

Glaucoma awareness from a global perspective

| Richard Gallagher

To mark World Glaucoma Week, here are some of the many creative approaches being taken to communicate awareness of the disease around the world.

Subspecialties Glaucoma

Benchmarking Glaucoma

| Mark Hillen

What does analysis of the last five years of literature on glaucoma tell us about the priorities of the field and the major contributors to it?

Subspecialties Business and Innovation

CLASS-y Laser Treats Glaucoma

| Ehud Assia

Transforming complex, invasive and risky glaucoma surgery into a safe, elegant, and precise procedure.

Subspecialties Retina

Combining Laser and Anti-VEGF for the Treatment of DME

| Stela Vujosevic

Advances in understanding of the therapeutic mechanisms that underpin micropulse laser treatment suggest that protocols for treatment of diabetic macular edema should be integrated.

Subspecialties Glaucoma

All is Not Lost

| Mark Hillen

Vision training can restore some of the sight lost to glaucoma.

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