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Subspecialties Retina

Innovations in Wide-Angle Retinal Imaging

| Sponsored by Phoenix Technology Group

Introducing the Phoenix ICON

Subspecialties Retina

A Job for Life

| Carol Shields

Sitting Down With… Carol Shields, Chief of the Ocular Oncology Service at Wills Eye Hospital and Professor of Ophthalmology at Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia, USA

Subspecialties Cornea / Ocular Surface

Time to PACK?

| Sneha Konda and Bala Ambati

Assessing the use of corneal crosslinking for the treatment for bacterial keratitis

Subspecialties Retina

An Eye for Perfection

| Sponsored by OCULUS

How the new BIOM® HD Disposable Lens and HD Disposable LenZ from OCULUS provide vitreoretinal surgeons the perfect view – in every case

Subspecialties Refractive

Unlock the Surrogates

| Rajendra S. Apte

Current methods of diagnosing and monitoring glaucoma sometimes fail physicians and patients alike – could molecular biomarkers open the door to better outcomes?

Subspecialties Other

Image of the Month

| Kelly Aileen Oldstein

This ultra-widefield image of a choroid was submitted by Kelly Aileen Oldstein, an Ophthalmic Photographer at Chester County Eye Care, PA, USA.

Subspecialties Basic & Translational Research

Mapping Mechanisms

| Ruth Steer

Using high-throughput screening to uncover novel genes for retinal regulation

Subspecialties Basic & Translational Research

Retinal Imaging in Your Hand

Introducing HAOSLO – a breakthrough pocket-sized device able to image individual photoreceptors in infants

Subspecialties Imaging & Diagnostics

Then There Was Light

| Phoebe Harkin

Jody Culham, Professor of Psychology at Western University, Ontario, Canada, describes a curious case of blindness

Subspecialties Basic & Translational Research

Printed Vision

| Phoebe Harkin

US researchers are the first to fully 3D-print a ‘bionic eye’

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