The Power List is a celebration of excellence – and the impact it’s had on those it highlights has been impressive
Sitting Down With... Claes Dohlman, Emeritus Professor of Ophthalmology, Harvard Medical School, USA.
02/16/2016 |
The records of over one million cataract surgeries make the EUREQUO registry uniquely placed to yield answers in the ongoing femto vs. phaco debate
What does analysis of the last five years of literature on optical coherence tomography tell us about the priorities of the field, and the contributors to it?
02/16/2016 | Garry Condon
Can irrigation/aspiration tips made from silicone help reduce capsular complications during cataract surgery?
02/16/2016 | Juan Mura
Ten ways to ensure rock-hard cataracts don’t put you on a Highway to Hell
The definitive story of Zepto: from conception to capsulotomy
How do rare genetic variants affect AMD risk for people with a familial history of the disease, and is genetic testing warranted?
Visual changes are a major risk in long-term spaceflight – but why are some astronauts more affected than others?
The number of people donating their eye tissue for research purposes keeps on falling – why?
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Redressing Representation
Living with TED: My Race from Patient to Advocate
How Dry Eye Disease Impacts Younger Patients
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