Katja Hatz MD discusses the promising one-year results achieved with Oraya Therapy at her centre in Switzerland.
Mahdy Ranjbar, MD, discusses using Oraya Therapy in practice in Germany.
Frank Zimmermann MD discusses Oraya therapy in Neovascular AMD, its mechanisms and synergy with Anti-VEGF
UK Eye Doctor Christopher Brand speaks at the EURETINA conference in September 2015
Results from the INTREPID study show that, in eyes with neovascular AMD, a single treatment of stereotactic radiotherapy with the Oraya Therapy can significantly reduce intravitreal injections over two years of follow-up while maintaining vision. Supplement includes authors Tim Jackson, PhD, FRCOphth; Frank Zimmerman, MD; Mahdy Ranjbar, MD; Katja Hatz, MD; and Christopher Brand, FRCOphth.
01/18/2016 | Sponsored by Bayer
Highlights from Bayer’s Satellite Symposium ‘Eylea®(aflibercept solution for injection) for Visual Impairment due to Diabetic Macular Edema: Every Letter Matters, Every Day,’ held on September 18, 2015, at the 15th EURETINA Congress, Nice, France
01/18/2016 | Sponsored by Oertli
How the OS4® and HDC Control Take Your Vitreoretinal Surgery to the Next Level
How is the IC-8 small-aperture IOL performing in the real world?
01/18/2016 | Mauricio Pérez
Assessing and successfully treating iris defects can be a challenge, but the right techniques and tools can greatly improve the outcomes
01/15/2016 | Irv Arons
Imagine being able to edit, delete or replace defective genes. It’s happening in research labs, and will soon head to the clinic
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Redressing Representation
Living with TED: My Race from Patient to Advocate
How Dry Eye Disease Impacts Younger Patients
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