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Business & Profession Glaucoma

Everybody be COOL

| David Huang

We Sit Down With David Huang, Peterson Professor of Ophthalmology at OHSU.

Subspecialties Glaucoma

Dual Blade, Single Purpose

Malik Kahook on the Kahook Dual Blade.

Business & Profession Retina

See the Bigger Picture

| Dawn Sim

How do we improve information sharing between eyecare professionals?

Business & Profession Professional Development

Taking Control

| Robert Melendez

Managing your online reputation is key, but what about your offline reputation?

Subspecialties Cornea / Ocular Surface

Dry Eye Clinical Trials

| Ruth Steer

An analysis of dry eye clinical trials.

Business & Profession Refractive

Shock Treatment

| Luca Gualdi

Can electrostimulation of the ciliary muscle delay early presbyopia?

Subspecialties Professional Development

Adding Another String to Your Bow

| Inder Paul Singh

How and why I started offering laser vitreolysis at my practice.

Subspecialties Retina

PR – 10 Steps to Success

| Mark Hillen

Pneumatic retinopexy – an effective, inexpensive alternative to vitrectomy and scleral buckling?

Subspecialties Retina

The Importance of Good PR

| Paul Tornambe

Pneumatic retinopexy – an effective, inexpensive alternative to vitrectomy and scleral buckling?

Business & Profession Imaging & Diagnostics

Refractive Surgery's Personalized Revolution

| William J. Dupps Jr

A better understanding of corneal biomechanics will transform how we approach refractive surgery.

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