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Health Economics and Policy

Business & Profession Professional Development

The Eyes of Youth

| Aleksandra Jones

Sitting Down With… Lisa Park, Associate Professor of Ophthalmology, Columbia College of Physicians & Surgeons, New York, USA

Subspecialties COVID-19

Telemedicine: Seeing the Patient Through a New Lens

| Joseph Anaya, Mary Fuska

In the wake of the pandemic, many physicians are taking the opportunity to permanently expand their portfolio of telemedicine solutions

Subspecialties COVID-19

Refractive Recovery and COVID-19

| Aleksandra Jones

Five refractive leaders discuss how the world has changed for them – and the profession – since the pandemic hit

Subspecialties Cornea / Ocular Surface

Ticking Timebombs

| Harvey Carter

Following the recall of the Raindrop corneal inlay, efforts must be made to notify all remaining affected patients

Subspecialties Comprehensive

It Takes a Village

| Jurij R. Bilyk

When it comes to the skull base – an area where multiple specialties intersect, patient management and treatment is a group effort

Subspecialties Health Economics and Policy

Where There's a Wills...

America’s first specialty eye hospital – in numbers

Subspecialties COVID-19

Hear Us Roar

| Julia A. Haller

“It was the nation that had the lion’s heart… I had the luck to be called upon to give the roar." Winston Churchull, 1954

Subspecialties Glaucoma

Glaucoma Surgery: Consistent Outcomes Are Now in Your Hands

| Sponsored by Santen Pharmaceuticals

Is PRESERFLO™ MicroShunt a viable and predictable alternative to trabeculectomy?

Subspecialties Cornea / Ocular Surface

A New Type of Corneal Availability

| Sponsored by EyeYon Medical

Off-the-shelf, artificial endothelial implant EndoArt® aims to eliminate the need for donor tissue in corneal edema treatment

Subspecialties Cornea / Ocular Surface

Avoiding Corneal Transplantation with a Breakthrough Keratoconus Treatment

| Sponsored by Gebauer

Introducing the XENIA Corneal Implant for treating advanced keratoconus with custom-made precision

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