05/11/2020 | Johanna Wiedemann
“Oftalmologia humanitaria” – my experience on an expedition to prevent sight loss in a remote region of the Amazon
04/21/2020 | Sponsored by FCI Ophthalmics
How important is appropriate training for retinal surgeons? And how can their knowledge and skills be continually updated and improved?
04/17/2020 | Aleksandra Jones
How to keep an eye on recent developments in ophthalmology
02/29/2020 | Aleksandra Jones, Lauren Robertson
Ophthalmology needs a diversity boost – and minority mentoring programs could be the key
02/27/2020 | Ian Wishart
In a new series, we present ophthalmology’s most inspiring figures, as told by those closest to them – beginning with the unsurpassable Fred Hollows
12/03/2019 | Judith Potts
Raising awareness and understanding of a largely misunderstood condition: the Charles Bonnet Syndrome
11/27/2019 | John Sparrow
The RCOphth National Ophthalmology Database (NOD) Audit can provide richer outcomes analysis than any single individual or institution – and cost less
11/21/2019 | Arthur Cummings
It is time for ophthalmology to embrace refractive surgery – for the sake of humankind
11/08/2019 | Aleksandra Jones
Three diabetic eye disease gurus discuss prevention, detection, diagnosis, and treatment – and explain why it’s important to consider the future
10/11/2019 | Aleksandra Jones
An entwined image of ophthalmologists and optometrists: the front line of eye care
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Redressing Representation
Living with TED: My Race from Patient to Advocate
How Dry Eye Disease Impacts Younger Patients
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