04/07/2016 | Mark Hillen
Retinal angiomatous proliferation (RAP) is driven by oxygen deprivation, right? The road to retinal VEGF expression might be driven, in part, by energy deficiency
Heidelberg Engineering has reached an important corporate milestone with the 10,000th SPECTRALIS® diagnostic imaging platform, which has been delivered to a French retina specialist.
From cornea to retina, NGF’s regenerative and neuroprotective potential seems immense. What does the future hold for this versatile little neurotrophin?
Sitting Down With... Anat Loewenstein, Chair of the Department of Ophthalmology, Tel Aviv Medical Centre, Professor of Ophthalmology and Vice Dean, Tel Aviv University, Israel.
Could patient self-testing help to free up eye clinics, and spot macular degeneration earlier than traditional testing methods?
03/07/2016 | Mark Hillen
Benefits achieved in the first year maintained; VA performance gap in patients with low baseline vision narrows
How do rare genetic variants affect AMD risk for people with a familial history of the disease, and is genetic testing warranted?
It’s not enough to regrow the optic nerve: to generate functional vision, you have to restore conduction too
Oraya-Therapie® bei neovaskularar AMD Vereinbarungen und Erstattungsbeträge Berlin. 02 Oktober 2015
Zusammenfassung des Symposiums auf der 113. DOG in Berlin mit Interview mit Dr. Mahdy Ranjbar zu den Studienergebnissen. Die Oraya-Therapie sichert den nachhaltigen Erfolg der Anti-VEGF-Therapie für Patienten mit neurovaskulärer AMD.
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Redressing Representation
Living with TED: My Race from Patient to Advocate
How Dry Eye Disease Impacts Younger Patients
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