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Subspecialties Glaucoma

KDB GLIDE: The MIGS Solution of Choice

| Sponsored by New World Medical

What do Drs. Blake Williamson and Bac T. Nguyen think of the new KDB GLIDE®?

Subspecialties Retina

Pascal Synthesis Photocoagulator

| Sponsored by Iridex

The fourth iteration of Pascal Laser continues to set the standard in pattern-scanning lasers

Subspecialties Other

One Language to Unite Them All

| Geoffrey Potjewyd

Learn about the Polish ophthalmologist who created the most popular constructed language in existence

Subspecialties Glaucoma

Trusted IOP – Under Pressure

| Sponsored by Reichert Technologies

Tono-Vera® Tonometer from Reichert® provides fast, objective, and repeatable results, giving clinicians more confidence in IOP measurements

Subspecialties Imaging & Diagnostics

Targeted Gene Testing

| Sponsored by Avellino

AvaGen, The Genetic Eye Test, utilizes next-generation sequencing in its user-friendly, easily interpreted test for keratoconus and corneal dystrophie

Subspecialties Glaucoma

Two Diseases, One Stone

| Geoffrey Potjewyd

How can a diabetes drug treat glaucoma, and how does real world data support this hypothesis?

Subspecialties Cataract

Advancing Automated Capsulotomy

| Sponsored by Centricity Vision

Improving precision and efficiency of cataract surgery with ZEPTO® – a convenient and cost-effective capsulotomy platform

Subspecialties Basic & Translational Research

Visions of Tomorrow

| Geoffrey Potjewyd

The research of today applied to the world of tomorrow – this is where science fiction and ophthalmology intersect

Subspecialties Other

Boldly Going

| Geoffrey Potjewyd

Science fiction is a mirror upon society and encapsulates our aspirations and fears of technology and scientific advancements

Subspecialties Retina

Saving Sight With Light

| Sponsored by PolyPhotonix

Noctura 400 from PolyPhotonix offers a revolutionary, home-based non-invasive diabetic retinopathy treatment that reduces oxygen demand in the retina

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