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Subspecialties Refractive

aXA Good Question, Get a Good Answer

| Sponsored by HumanOptics

How can we eliminate positive and negative dysphotopsia? The best answer may be the ASPIRAaXA

Subspecialties Cornea / Ocular Surface

Keratoconus Screening

| Tara Moore

Genetic screening for keratoconus is becoming a reality

Subspecialties Education and Training

Feast for the Eyes

Most people on extreme diets won’t know what they are doing to their eyesight – until it’s too late

Subspecialties Neuro-ophthalmology

Bitesize Breakthroughs

| Phoebe Harkin

The latest ophthalmology research – in brief

Subspecialties Cataract

Image of the Month: Is it Christmas Yet?

| Aleksandra Jones

This month's image shows a Christmas tree cataract

Subspecialties Retina

A Promise Fulfilled?

The ongoing story of the retinal pigment epithelium patch for AMD vision loss

Subspecialties Cataract

FLACS Takes Flak

| Anastasios Kanellopoulos

How does femtosecond laser-assisted cataract surgery really stack up against standard manual procedures?

Subspecialties Imaging & Diagnostics

Adopting Adaptive Optics

| Adam Dubis

Do we need yet another retinal examination technology? If it can monitor change at the level of individual cells, the answer is a firm “yes!”

Subspecialties Cornea / Ocular Surface

The Route to K-MAP

| Emilio de Almeida Torres-Netto, Nikki Hafezi

The ongoing K-MAP study is investigating worldwide keratoconus prevalence among pediatric patients.

Subspecialties Cornea / Ocular Surface

New Protocols Rejuvenate Epi-On Cross-Linking

| Michael B. Raizman

Clinical trials evaluate the safety and efficacy of epithelium-off corneal collagen cross-linking treatment protocols with supplemental oxygen.

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