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Business & Profession Professional Development

Our Time to Shine

| Anat Loewenstein

My message to all existing and future Power List champions

Business & Profession Business and Innovation

Business in Brief

| Aleksandra Jones

The latest industry news in under 65 words

Subspecialties COVID-19

The Ocular Tumor Tsunami

| Carol Shields

What more can be done to avoid devastating waves of advanced eye cancers?

Subspecialties Comprehensive

Good Vibrations

| Aleksandra Jones

A vibrating wearable device helps visually impaired people avoid collisions

Subspecialties Comprehensive

ESCRS 2021: An Invite from Heidelberg Engineering

| Sponsored by Heidelberg Engineering

Steven Thomson, Clinical Director Anterior Segment at Heidelberg Engineering, talks about the company's plans for this year's ESCRS Meeting

Subspecialties Comprehensive

ESCRS 2021: An Invite from Glaukos

| Sponsored by Glaukos

Andrew Geddes, Vice President, Commercial – Europe, Middle East & India at Glaukos, talks about the company's plans for this year's ESCRS Meeting

Subspecialties Comprehensive

ESCRS 2021: An Invite from Carl Zeiss Meditec, Inc.

| Sponsored by Carl Zeiss Meditec

Euan S. Thomson, President of Ophthalmic Devices and Head of Digital Business of Carl Zeiss Meditec, Inc., talks about the company's plans for ESCRS

Subspecialties Health Economics and Policy

The Time for Change

| Aleksandra Jones

Editors of 233 medical journals worldwide publish a joint article calling for urgent action against climate change

Subspecialties Comprehensive

ESCRS 2021: An Invite from Teleon Surgical Group

| Sponsored by Teleon

Mark Lansu, CEO of Teleon Surgical Group, talks about the company's plans for this year's ESCRS Meeting

Subspecialties Comprehensive

ESCRS 2021: An Invite from Ziemer

| Sponsored by Ziemer

Frank Ziemer, President & CEO at Ziemer Ophthalmic Systems AG, talks about the company's plans for this year's ESCRS Meeting

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