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Business & Profession Business and Innovation

Making It Happen

| Sponsored by Diamatrix

How Diamatrix helps ophthalmic surgeons develop their innovative products

Business & Profession Professional Development

A Vision for Ophthalmic Pathology

Sitting Down With… Sarah Coupland, Professor and George Holt Chair of Pathology at the University of Liverpool, UK

Subspecialties Comprehensive

Image of the Month: A Foreign Body

| Aleksandra Jones

This month’s image shows a metallic intraocular foreign body very close to the optic nerve – so what was the outcome?

Subspecialties Comprehensive

A Feast for the Eyes

| Aleksandra Jones

Peter Maloca: "Nothing is more touching than the inner universe of the eye"

Business & Profession Comprehensive

The Beauty of Imperfection

| Aleksandra Jones

People with disabilities have long been expressing themselves through art, but can art and culture even exist without disability?

Business & Profession Education and Training

The Aspiring Ophthalmologist’s Guide to the Galaxy

| Geoffrey Potjewyd

How to make the process of securing an ophthalmology specialist training post as smooth as possible

Business & Profession Comprehensive

The World Through Pellucid Lenses

| Aleksandra Jones

The astonishing life and legacy of Patrick Trevor-Roper, eye surgeon and activist

Subspecialties Comprehensive

Image of the Month: From Behind the Lens

| Aleksandra Jones

This month’s image shows a coronal section of an eye from a specimen of the Museum of Anatomy of the Faculty of Medicine of University of Porto

Business & Profession Comprehensive

Travelling Through Time with America’s First Black Ophthalmologist, David K. McDonogh

| Phoebe Harkin

We present a timeline of McDonogh's life, from his days as an enslaved person to his Columbia graduation – 125 years after his death

Business & Profession Oculoplastics

From Empowered to Empowering

| Phoebe Harkin

Sitting Down With… Erin Shriver, Clinical Professor, University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics, Iowa City, USA

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