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ESCRS 2021: An Invite from Carl Zeiss Meditec, Inc.

sponsored by Carl Zeiss Meditec

At ESCRS, visitors will have the opportunity to experience ZEISS’ fully connected environment, where a combination of devices, data management, software applications, and services enables our customers to stay connected to each other and to their patients, supporting a more streamlined workflow and optimizing clinical management. Our digital microscope and imaging systems for ophthalmology produce tens of millions of images each year. With the new ZEISS Medical Ecosystem, we connect our devices and bring that data together in one place.

The ZEISS booth will offer live, first-hand experiences with products along our integrated workflows. There will also be opportunities to meet with ZEISS experts and representatives, as well as hands-on wet lab demos. Our virtual showroom will offer a similar experience with virtual product demos and ZEISS experts available to answer any questions.

Surgeons will experience how the ZEISS Medical Ecosystem, with data managed in the cloud, opens possibilities for the creation of more streamlined workflow solutions. Data passes seamlessly from one ZEISS device to another with AI-powered applications and software tools to help make clinical management of patients easy and efficient.

Booth number D22

Symposia: REF Symposium - “The whole is greater than the sum of its parts – Digital workflows in refractive surgery today,” October 9, 12:15-1:15 pm

SUR symposium “Stable Chamber – Stable Outcomes: Next Level Cataract Surgery in 2021,” October 10, 12:15-1:15 pm.

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