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Subspecialties Business and Innovation

The Answer for Aging Eyes?

| Sponsored by Ace Vision Group

Introducing LSM: a new technology that addresses age-related cross-linking of ocular tissues to tackle presbyopia, glaucoma, and other pathologies

Subspecialties Basic & Translational Research

Visions of Tomorrow

| Geoffrey Potjewyd

The research of today applied to the world of tomorrow – this is where science fiction and ophthalmology intersect

Subspecialties Cornea / Ocular Surface

Is It or Isn’t It Dry Eye?

| Sponsored by TearLab

How the TearLab® Osmolarity System supports DED diagnosis and therapy management

Subspecialties Practice Management

Patient Administration Woes? Here’s A Clear Solution

| Sponsored by Clearwave

Clearwave is a one-stop shop for digital patient engagement and administration

Subspecialties Cornea / Ocular Surface

Superior Surface Skills

| Ivan Mac

Keeping up with technological advances shouldn’t be at the expense of caring for the ocular surface

Subspecialties Other

Bake My Day

| Geoffrey Potjewyd, Aleksandra Jones

Inspired by the Baking Medics’ Bake Off, we invited our readers to send in pictures of their amazing bakes – and they have answered

Subspecialties Other

An Eye for Detail

| Geoffrey Potjewyd

Ophthalmologist and literary extraordinaire, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle had his first Sherlock Holmes book accepted for publication on this day

Subspecialties Health Economics and Policy

Never Say Never

| Ray Radford

Serious adverse events occur in all medical specialties – including ophthalmology. Can more be done to prevent them?

Subspecialties Cataract

My Algorithm for Cataract and Glaucoma Patients

| Imran Masood

When glaucoma and cataract surgery intersect, it’s important to alter treatment approaches dependent on disease severity

Subspecialties Comprehensive

Hello, It's Halloween!

| Aleksandra Jones

"Nothing says Halloween like a monocular doorbell with slight ptosis!"

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