11/12/2021 | Ray Radford
Serious adverse events occur in all medical specialties – including ophthalmology. Can more be done to prevent them?
11/10/2021 | Imran Masood
When glaucoma and cataract surgery intersect, it’s important to alter treatment approaches dependent on disease severity
11/05/2021 | Sponsored by Teleon
Episode 4: The Olympics of New Tech, in which the IOLs are hoping to win the Crown of Innovation award in the Annual IOL Grand Slam
11/04/2021 | Chandrashekhar Wavikar, Mathew Kurian, Arindam Dey, Prashant Sada
Look before you leap: demystifying post-surgical dry eye disease management
11/02/2021 | Sponsored by Teleon
Detlev R.H. Breyer discusses Teleon Surgical’s new LENTIS Quantum enhanced monofocal IOL
11/01/2021 | Sponsored by New World Medical
World-leading glaucoma surgeons share their impressions of the original Kahook Dual Blade and its new incarnation: KDB GLIDE
10/22/2021 | Sponsored by Heidelberg Engineering
Advanced technologies for intelligent IOL power calculations – even in challenging eyes
10/14/2021 | Aleksandra Jones
Following the success of the 2021 Power List, five influential women discuss the career and life milestones on their way to positions of power
10/04/2021 | Sponsored by Teleon
Episode 3: Mars Attacks, in which the IOLs – on their way back from ESCRS – experience an extra-terrestrial invasion armed with the scariest weapon
09/29/2021 | Sponsored by Ophtec
Youngsub Eom talks about his experience with Precizon Presbyopic Toric IOL, providing clear vision at all distances with very few halos or glare
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Redressing Representation
Living with TED: My Race from Patient to Advocate
How Dry Eye Disease Impacts Younger Patients
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