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Basic & Translational Research

Business & Profession Glaucoma

Everybody be COOL

| David Huang

We Sit Down With David Huang, Peterson Professor of Ophthalmology at OHSU.

Business & Profession Imaging & Diagnostics

Refractive Surgery's Personalized Revolution

| William J. Dupps Jr

A better understanding of corneal biomechanics will transform how we approach refractive surgery.

Subspecialties Retina

The Right Design

| Philip Rosenfeld

Successful clinical trials - it’s all about the endpoints, says Philip Rosenfeld.

Subspecialties Cornea / Ocular Surface

The Multi Drop Doctrine

| Ruth Steer

Waiting between eyedrop instillations: dogma or duty?

Subspecialties Retina

Club Med

| Ruth Steer

Adopt the Mediterranean diet, cut the risk of developing AMD.

Subspecialties Cornea / Ocular Surface

Hard Graft

| Ruth Steer

Might crosslinking patch grafts placed during GDD implantation eliminate conjunctival erosions?

Subspecialties Other

Visualizing Vision

| Ruth Steer

The story of how we perceive color might not be as black and white as first thought.

Subspecialties Basic & Translational Research

The MHC Matchmaker

| Mark Hillen

When it comes to transplanting stem cell-derived RPE; if it's allogeneic, match the MHC.

Business & Profession Health Economics and Policy

Managing Moorfields

We sit down with David Probert, Chief Executive, Moorfields Eye Hospital, London, UK.

Subspecialties Basic & Translational Research

Tasting Vision

| Roisin McGuigan

The story of BrainPort – from vibrating plates to a visual aid helping users “see” with their tongue.

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