EURETINA 2015 — Stereotactic Radiotherapy for Wet AMD using micro-collimated low-voltage X-ray: Mechanisms & Synergywith anti-VEGF
Frank Zimmermann MD discusses Oraya therapy in Neovascular AMD, its mechanisms and synergy with Anti-VEGF

Oraya Therapy™ Stereotactic Radiotherapy for Wet AMD uses low-energy, highly targeted X-rays to treat wet AMD and is intended as a one-time procedure with the potential to maintain vision while reducing the required number of anti-VEGF injections. Full 2-year results from Oraya's INTREPID study were published in Ophthalmology, January 2015, and real world patient outcomes from three countries were present at EURETINA 15th Congress, September 2015. The Oraya Therapy is available in several treatment centres across Germany, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom.