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Business & Profession Other

Taking a Start-up’s Approach to an Industry Giant

Mark Hillen Interviews Jim Mazzo

Subspecialties Retina

Heads Up!

| Claus Eckardt

Vitreoretinal surgeons – is it time to lose the microscope?

Subspecialties Retina

We Can’t See Everything

| Justis P. Ehlers

Intraoperative OCT should be considered for macular surgery.

Business & Profession Other

Communicating With Local Politicians

| Paul Sternberg, Jr and Janice C. Law

How ophthalmologists can get involved in local politics to overcome key issues and influence legislation.

Subspecialties Other

Image of the Month

An image of a stromal cyst by Carrie A. Cooke.

Subspecialties Imaging & Diagnostics

The Thinner, the Poorer

| Ruth Steer

A reduction in retinal thickness may be associated with a decrease in cognitive function.

Subspecialties Imaging & Diagnostics

Featherweight Optics

| Ruth Steer

High-resolution retinal imaging… with an SLO/OCT device weighing a mere 94 g.

Business & Profession Professional Development

This Month in Business

TrueVision and Alcon team-up, Pfizer returns rights to ranibizumab biosimilar, and more...

Subspecialties Cornea / Ocular Surface

H-Y are These Corneal Grafts Rejecting?

| Mark Hillen

In the eyes of some females, grafting male tissue onto them can lead to rejection…

Subspecialties Basic & Translational Research

Old Sharks, New Tricks

| Roisin McGuigan

Why are researchers radiocarbon dating the lenses of Greenland Sharks?

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