01/31/2018 | Alain Saad
We need to rethink the concept of PTA as a predictor of post-LASIK iatrogenic ectasia risk.
01/31/2018 | Marcony Santhiago
Why the evidence shows that high PTA is a risk factor for post-LASIK ectasia.
01/31/2018 | Ruth Steer
A genetic link between CCT and glaucoma has been identified.
01/31/2018 | Mark Hillen
Study suggests that systemic statins lower the risk of revitrectomy in RRD.
Who are the 100 most influential people in ophthalmology today?
New research reveals how pupils behave when we are asleep.
A noninvasive method to monitor disease in the eye.
With the threat of a rising problem, who is responsible?
Up close with a rare retinal condition.
01/09/2018 | George Beiko
Günther Grabner had a stellar career in ophthalmology. He founded Austria’s first Eye Bank in 1977 in Vienna and was a pioneer in corneal refractive surgery from the early 1980s.
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Redressing Representation
Living with TED: My Race from Patient to Advocate
How Dry Eye Disease Impacts Younger Patients
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