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Practice Management

Subspecialties COVID-19

Nurses First!

| Phoebe Harkin

We explore how nurse practitioners are leading intravitreal dexamethasone implant services

Subspecialties Cornea / Ocular Surface

To (Pre)Serve and Protect

| Marjan Farid

How can cryopreserved amniotic membrane (CAM) help herpetic keratitis patients?

Subspecialties Retina

The Knife and the Retina

| Aleksandra Jones

Two leading vitreoretinal surgeons explore their work and methods, discuss techniques, their careers, and hopes and dreams for the field

Subspecialties Imaging & Diagnostics

Corneal Close-Up

| Sponsored by Heidelberg Engineering

Navigate the cornea at a cellular level and select your preferred scanning depth for a comprehensive in vivo assessment of all layers

Subspecialties Cornea / Ocular Surface

Hot Property

| Sponsored by Sight Sciences

How a smart system turns up the heat on obstructed meibomian glands

Subspecialties Cornea / Ocular Surface

Repair and Protect (Plus)

| Sponsored by Rayner

Purvi Thomson, Specialist Optometrist, explains how AEON tear film therapies support pre-surgical measurements and optimized post-surgical outcomes.

Subspecialties COVID-19

Safety First

| Jason Bacharach

The pandemic has forced physicians to rethink glaucoma treatment – starting with updated tools and protocols for safety-conscious encounters

Subspecialties COVID-19

The Trouble with Triage

| Phoebe Harkin

Do asymptomatic COVID-19 patients pose a risk to ophthalmologists during elective examinations?

Business & Profession COVID-19

The Kids Are (Not) All Right

| Phoebe Harkin

With 75 million children to serve, America’s pediatric ophthalmologists face a tough task – and they are struggling to cope in the wake of COVID-19

Subspecialties COVID-19

Caution: Surgeons at Risk

| John Liu, Irfan Nizarali Kherani, Ike Ahmed

Understanding all routes of viral spread during surgery should mitigate the risk of COVID-19 transmission from patient to doctor

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