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Practice Management

Business & Profession COVID-19

Bend or Break

| Phoebe Harkin

The pandemic’s impact on US private practice

Business & Profession Practice Management

Reflections on a Decade of Solo Practice

| Ajit Nemi

Starting your own practice in a period of economic uncertainty is not easy – but it can be done. All it takes is hard work, tenacity, and courage.

Business & Profession COVID-19

The Mother of Invention

| Aleksandra Jones

Right now, the pandemic is radically changing the way we live our lives – but will it change the way ophthalmologists deliver care forever?

Subspecialties Cataract

When Complications Strike

| Sumitra Khandelwal

A guide to tackling complex cataract cases – triggered by pre-existing conditions or the surgeon – at the operating table

Subspecialties Retina

Wait, Treat, Repeat?

| Rod McNeil

A practical guide to managing diabetic macular edema

Business & Profession Practice Management

From Necessity Comes Invention

| Rishi Singh

Virtual visits, home testing, revised protocols – there are plenty of creative ways you can continue caring for patients

Subspecialties Pediatric

Checking on the Kids

| Aleksandra Jones

With pediatric visual acuity visits postponed, can home-based testing options fill the gap?

Subspecialties Practice Management

Ophthalmology in the Time of Coronavirus

| Aleksandra Jones

The second volume of pandemic diaries from ophthalmologists around the world

Subspecialties Practice Management

Pandemic Diaries

| Aleksandra Jones

We asked ophthalmologists around the world to tell us how their professional and personal lives have changed during the COVID-19 pandemic

Subspecialties Health Economics and Policy

Tackling COVID-19 with Telemedicine

| Dawn Sim, Peter Thomas, Chris Canning

With the pandemic putting frontline health workers under mounting pressure, is it possible for ophthalmologists to safely see patients?

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