Complicated case presentations are worth attending. They’re supremely informative, and the knowledge gained can make an impact at any point during a surgeon’s career. But they can be a little dry. That’s why I took a different approach:
- Sixteen of the world’s best eye surgeons
- Four-minute video presentations
- Trash-talking – and costumes, and crucially...
- A total PowerPoint ban.
Here in India, we have the Indian Premier League professional Twenty20 (T20) cricket league. For those who aren’t aware, first-class cricket (i.e. the big international and domestic matches) feature some of the best players in the world, and you’ll often see some of the best cricketing ever. But these matches consist of four innings, can take three or more days to complete, and it certainly isn’t all constant action. Instead of lasting three days, T20 matches last three hours. The cricketing is some of the best you’ll see – it’s considered to be a more “explosive” and athletic form of the sport, and everything is considerably less formal – players have been known to wear costume elements, moustaches, and poke fun at their opponents, thereby entertaining the crowd. It’s a serious competition, but also fun.Now, I always hold the annual conference of the Indian Intraocular Implant & Refractive Society (IIIRS) in Chennai in July. One day I thought, why don’t we hold an Ophthalmic Premier League during it? I thought about the format, and decided on four teams with four players each. You have 16 of the top surgeons in the world, showcasing their craziest cases, how they handled them, each with four minutes to present their story – it’s a great learning opportunity. I ask each team to “attack” the other teams – with banter, a bit of “trash talking”. It’s great fun, and we involve the audience too – they get to vote for their favorite teams and presenters with keypads at the end. It’s a real competition.
In addition to running it at the IIIRS meeting, we’ve held it once during ESCRS, once at the World Ophthalmology Congress, and each time was a great success. The alternative, yet hugely entertaining event has now been held twice at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO), and we’ll be running it again in Chicago this October.

Here are some of the highlights from last year’s OPL@AAO – depicted in a unique format that captures the spirit of the event. Ophthalmology on Ice Aye aye captain, ARRR! Captain Ectopia (Lentis) Ninja-ing In and Out of a Tight Spot