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Business & Profession

Business & Profession Professional Development

Error in the OR

| Donny Suh

Wrong eye surgery: how common is it, and can more be done to prevent it?

Business & Profession Business and Innovation

Maarten Beelen on What Underpins Precision

| Mark Hillen

Maarten Beelen explains robotic software, operating systems and reaping the benefits of big data.

Business & Profession Business and Innovation

Marc de Smet on Robotic Surgery

| Mark Hillen

Marc de Smet on the Preceyes project, and creating a robot able to assist with vitreoretinal surgery.

Business & Profession Business and Innovation

Robert MacLaren on Making History

| Mark Hillen

Robert MacLaren discusses performing the first robotic-assisted surgery in a human eye.

Business & Profession Business and Innovation

Forging Iron Man

| Mark Hillen

The future of eye surgery is robots and augmented reality. Will future ophthalmologists be more Iron Man than steady hands?

Business & Profession Health Economics and Policy

How Low Can You Go?

| George Williams

Strategies are afoot for reducing the cost of healthcare in the US – what do they mean for ophthalmologists?

Business & Profession Glaucoma

Don’t Knock it ‘til You’ve Tried it

| Robert Ritch

Laser iridoplasty is an effective means of treating angle closure, says Robert Ritch.

Business & Profession Professional Development

This Month In Business

| Roisin McGuigan

Acquisitions, approvals, new appointments… and more.

Business & Profession Cornea / Ocular Surface

Cry Me a Zika

| Ruth Steer

Could Zika virus be transmitted from the eyes of infected patients?

Business & Profession Business and Innovation

The Mother of Invention

Don't fear the robots - they might help you cope with the oncoming caseload of baby boomers.

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