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Business and Innovation

Business & Profession Cataract

For Surgeons, By Surgeons

| Michael Mrochen

A new ocular biometer automates IOL selection and offers an exciting alternative to sometimes unpredictable IOL power formulae

Subspecialties Cataract

Eye, Robot

Ophthalmic surgery that incorporates robotic assistance holds the promise of surgeries that are “better than the best of humans”

Business & Profession Glaucoma

Balancing Act

VR headsets could identify those with glaucoma at the greatest risk of falls

Business & Profession Professional Development

3-D Printed Prosections

Inexpensive, high-resolution 3D printouts of orbital prosections can help ophthalmology trainees revisit basic anatomy

Business & Profession Professional Development

A Fantastic Voyage – into Your Patients’ Eyes

| Carl Glittenberg

Inexpensive yet excellent virtual reality headsets are here – and are about to profoundly transform ophthalmology.

Business & Profession Professional Development

This month in business

Remember Allergan’s eyeing-up of Salix

Subspecialties Retina

Retinal Prostheses Without the Wiring?

| Roisin McGuigan

Are flexible, battery- and wire-less, light-sensitive nanotube films the future of retinal implants?

Subspecialties Business and Innovation

Just Hack it Together

| Mark Hillen

Commodity parts, powerful processors and clever algorithms are changing ophthalmology – cheaply.

Business & Profession Professional Development

The CE Mark: A Medical Device’s Passport To A Multibillion Euro Market

Getting your medical device the CE certification it needs to break into the European market takes a lot of effort – but it’s worth it

Business & Profession Professional Development

Translational Research: Innovate Horizontally

| Michael Mrochen

Bridging the “Valley of Death” of expertise for medical device development

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