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Business & Profession Other

On the Front Line

| Aleksandra Jones

Sitting Down With… Andrii Ruban, President of the Ukrainian Vitreoretinal Society, based in Kyiv, Ukraine

Business & Profession Professional Development

Ophthalmology in a Warzone

| Aleksandra Jones

Uliana Tomkiv, a medical retina specialist from Lviv, Ukraine, describes how the recent Russian invasion has affected ophthalmologists

Subspecialties Imaging & Diagnostics

Developing Patterns

| Geoffrey Potjewyd

For the first time, the development of the eye is tracked in real time at a cellular level

Subspecialties Neuro-ophthalmology

Recharging After Long COVID

| Geoffrey Potjewyd

Can we repair the visual and cognitive damage caused by long COVID?

Subspecialties Neuro-ophthalmology

Deep Space Blind

| Oscelle Boye

Researchers probe the origin of spaceflight-associated neuro-ocular syndrome

Subspecialties Retina

R20-D20 Vision

| Geoffrey Potjewyd

How do you convince your droid to switch to an artificial retina?

Subspecialties Basic & Translational Research

Rare and Important

| Geoffrey Potjewyd

Kapil Bharti of NEI explains the importance of rare disease research and his progress for Rare Disease Day 2022

Subspecialties Basic & Translational Research

A Rare Discovery

| Geoffrey Potjewyd

Meet the latest potential addition to the retinal cell family: the Campana cell!

Subspecialties Basic & Translational Research

Retinal Retirement

| Aleksandra Jones

Can the gap between retina age and real age be used as an evaluation of patients’ risk of death?

Business & Profession Business and Innovation

In Agreement

| Sponsored by PolyPhotonix

PolyPhotonix names Prevail Partners as its lead US investor whose affiliate will lead Noctura 400 FDA clinical trials

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