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Subspecialties Diabetes

Connecting the Diabetes Dots

| Ralph Abraham

How important is a joint-up approach to caring for patients with diabetes and diabetic eye disease?

Subspecialties Cataract

Timeline: The Evolution of Cataract Surgery

One of the oldest, most common – and most successful – procedures in ophthalmology

Subspecialties Retina

RPE Patch: What's New?

| Lauren Robertson

The retinal pigment epithelial patch edges closer to becoming a reality for dry AMD patients

Subspecialties Comprehensive

Bitesize Breakthroughs

| Lauren Robertson

The latest ophthalmology research – in brief

Subspecialties Retina

Eat, Shoot or Drop?

| Lauren Robertson

The standard of care for wet AMD presents a big burden for patients, so what other options are out there?

Subspecialties Comprehensive

All Eyes on Coronavirus

| Lauren Robertson

Leading ophthalmic bodies warn that COVID-19 can be transmitted through aerosol contact with the conjunctiva

Subspecialties Cataract

Sometimes, Simple Is Best

| Lauren Robertson

Progress in ophthalmology doesn’t always come from increased complexity

Subspecialties Neuro-ophthalmology

Wild Thing

| Phoebe Harkin

When it comes to brain mapping diversity, size – or rather, pattern – matters

Subspecialties Cataract

If You Think of It, Use It!

| David Lockington

How surgical adjuncts can make cataract surgery safer – and minimize costs in the long run

Subspecialties Health Economics and Policy

The Ethics of AI

| Aleksandra Jones

Four deep learning experts discuss the ethical implications of using advanced technologies in eye care – and potential solutions

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