Last month, Peter Barry reviewed the EUREQUO registry. This month, we get the transatlantic perspective
Sitting Down With... Anat Loewenstein, Chair of the Department of Ophthalmology, Tel Aviv Medical Centre, Professor of Ophthalmology and Vice Dean, Tel Aviv University, Israel.
Racial background modifies risk; diabetes protects, but asthma and sleep apnea predisposes
Could transcranial direct current stimulation treat amblyopia in adults?
03/07/2016 | Mark Hillen
Benefits achieved in the first year maintained; VA performance gap in patients with low baseline vision narrows
What does analysis of the last five years of literature on corneal optical coherence tomography tell us about the priorities of the field, and the contributors to it?
Sitting Down With... Claes Dohlman, Emeritus Professor of Ophthalmology, Harvard Medical School, USA.
02/16/2016 |
The records of over one million cataract surgeries make the EUREQUO registry uniquely placed to yield answers in the ongoing femto vs. phaco debate
What does analysis of the last five years of literature on optical coherence tomography tell us about the priorities of the field, and the contributors to it?
02/16/2016 | Garry Condon
Can irrigation/aspiration tips made from silicone help reduce capsular complications during cataract surgery?
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Redressing Representation
Living with TED: My Race from Patient to Advocate
How Dry Eye Disease Impacts Younger Patients
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