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Subspecialties Retina

Wide Field, Deep Learning

| Pr. Eric Souied | 5 min read

How AI-assisted UWF imaging is being used to classify retinal vascular diseases

Subspecialties Retina

Eye Sp.Eye Innovation

| Jon Greenaway | 6 min read

How the Sp.Eye system makes intravitreal more efficient for doctors and safer and less stressful for patients

Subspecialties Retina

DR Snapshot

| Sarah Healey | 2 min read

Diabetic retinopathy poses a large global threat to patients and the economy

Subspecialties Diabetes

The Sweet Spot

| Akrit Sodhi | 5 min read

The links between low blood sugar and diabetic eye disease

Business & Profession Retina

Lowering Lipids – and AMD

| Sarah Healey | 2 min read

Systemic lipid-lowering and antidiabetic medications have been found to lower AMD prevalence

Business & Profession Business and Innovation

In Agreement

| Sponsored by PolyPhotonix

PolyPhotonix names Prevail Partners as its lead US investor whose affiliate will lead Noctura 400 FDA clinical trials

Business & Profession Professional Development

One in a Million

| Aleksandra Jones

Sitting Down With… Gladys Atto, ophthalmologist at Moroto Regional Referral Hospital, Moroto, Uganda

Subspecialties Comprehensive

Under Lock and Key

| Wei Yan Ng, Daniel Shu Wei Ting

Improving artificial intelligence development using blockchain – where digital health technologies converge

Subspecialties Retina

Pascal Synthesis Photocoagulator

| Sponsored by Iridex

The fourth iteration of Pascal Laser continues to set the standard in pattern-scanning lasers

Subspecialties Retina

Saving Sight With Light

| Sponsored by PolyPhotonix

Noctura 400 from PolyPhotonix offers a revolutionary, home-based non-invasive diabetic retinopathy treatment that reduces oxygen demand in the retina

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