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Patient Administration Woes? Here’s A Clear Solution

sponsored by Clearwave

Patient administration is a job that must be done, but patients, clinicians and other medical staff want to spend as little time as possible dealing with it. Ideally, administration should be a relatively painless, yet reliable process. And that’s where Clearwave comes in. Thanks to the platform’s enabling of smooth patient scheduling, intake and automatic verification of insurance, clinicians and patients can get on with their appointment without interruption. 

Clearwave’s Patient Engagement Platform is the only solution on the market to enable automated, real-time insurance eligibility verification, without staff intervention. At the time an appointment is scheduled (and seven times throughout the patient engagement), primary, secondary and tertiary benefits are checked and verified within seconds. In 2021, Clearwave’s Eligibility-as-a-Service automated verification and saved hundreds of thousands of hours of work for ophthalmology staffers, and contributed to a better patient experience by enabling patient financial transparency and efficient intake, overall increasing practice revenues by 65 percent.

With over 900 connections to healthcare payers, Clearwave instantly verifies both medical and vision eligibility

With over 900 connections to healthcare payers, Clearwave instantly verifies both medical and vision eligibility – which is vital for ophthalmic practices. Clearwave also verifies VSP eligibility and obtains VSP authorizations instantly through its direct connection to Eyefinity, which is verified and displayed in standard format. Ultimately, it means that front desk staff are efficient and empowered, patients are happy, and physicians can focus on care. Clearwave’s automated eligibility verification is embedded in Clearwave Connect and Clearwave Scheduling, providing the flexibility and efficiency of a digital tool in a one-stop shop. 
All Clearwave’s solutions are developed to enhance and strengthen the healthcare industry, lifting the administrative burden from patient visits. The company will continue to develop its products to support specialty practices with an understanding of their patient and performance needs. Customers are currently benefiting from Clearwave’s Eligibility-as-a-Service in the United States.

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