03/10/2014 | Mark Hillen
The new method to produce stem cells has run into difficulties in the form of image irregularities and the failure of other labs to reproduce the findings.
02/11/2014 | Mark Hillen
Can you envisage a future in which deploying a tiny cell-spraying device during vitreoretinal surgery reverses years of retinal cell death? Keith Martin can.
02/10/2014 | Mark Hillen
An unexpected and simple advance has made stem cell production much easier and safer. Do STAP stem cells bring the treatment, even cure, of ocular disease a lot closer?
01/21/2014 | Irv Arons, Mark Hillen
The EMA approved the first gene therapy agent in 2012 – for lipoprotein lipase deficiency. Might gene therapies for ophthalmic disease reach the wards any time soon?
01/20/2014 | Mark Hillen
Transplanting pancreatic Islets of Langerhans into the ocular anterior chamber of the eye allows researchers to effectively monitor ?-cell function.
Gene therapy for ocular disease will soon be available. Stem cell therapies too. They may be able to cure the currently untreatable, but at what price? And will anyone pay it?
12/03/2013 | Irv Arons, Mark Hillen
Therapies based on stem cell treatments are considered to have tremendous potential in medicine.
10/28/2013 | Gregory Hageman
Striking variation in its presentation, progression, genetics and biology suggest that AMD may be a collection of closely-related conditions.
10/28/2013 | Sophia Ktori
In an animal model of ischemic retinal disease, a single Ang1 injection suppresses vascular leakage and stimulates blood vessel formation
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