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17 search results for ‘*’

Subspecialties Oculoplastics

When the socket shrinks, you have to think

| Richard C. Allen | 6 min read

Creating the best surgical outcomes for patients suffering from segmental or global socket contraction

Subspecialties Imaging & Diagnostics

Capturing Choroidal Melanoma

Our image of the month, from the Ophthalmic Photographers Society

Subspecialties Imaging & Diagnostics

Crystal Clear Capsulotomy

| Jon Greenaway

Our image of the month, from the Ophthalmic Photographers Society

Subspecialties Cornea / Ocular Surface

Amniotic Membrane How-To: Techniques for In-Office and Surgical Use

| Karl G Stonecipher | 6 min read

Here’s how amniotic membranes can help anterior segment surgeons

Business & Profession Education and Training

Case Quiz: Starry Starry Sight

| Andrzej Grzybowski | 3 min read

Can you answer five questions about Charmaine Malabanan’s case from the Philippines?

Business & Profession Education and Training

Case Quiz: Strawberry Eyes

| Andrzej Grzybowski | 3 min read

Can you answer three questions about Josemaria Castro’s case from the Philippines?

Subspecialties Cataract

Pick an IOL Your Own (Pupil) Size

| Sheetal Brar, Sri Ganesh | 5 min read

Mesopic pupil size is an important factor in selecting the best EDoF IOL for your patients

Subspecialties Glaucoma

Use of OCTA in Glaucoma Management

| Sponsored by Heidelberg Engineering | 4 min read

Visualization of vascular changes before functional damage

Business & Profession Business and Innovation

Changing Words for Changing Times

| Christopher Lievens | 8 min read

With more options available to treat near vision loss, which is happening earlier on, should clinicians change how they talk to patients?

Subspecialties Retina

PVR: Saved by the Gel

| Xinyi Su | 7 min read

A hydrogel-based scarring solution for retinal detachment and beyond

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