10/02/2019 | Nir Shoham-Hazon
In favor of micropulse transscleral cyclophotocoagulation for glaucoma mild – and wild
10/01/2019 | John Dart
The trials and tribulations of developing a cure for infectious corneal disease
10/01/2019 | Kevin Waltz
The remit of ophthalmologists and optometrists is not set in stone, it must evolve over time
09/30/2019 | Sponsored by HumanOptics
The HumanOptics Artificial Iris became the first, and remains the only, FDA-approved prosthetic iris
09/30/2019 | David B. Mandell, Carole C. Foos
Key financial success factors for ophthalmologists at every career stage… starting with fellowships
09/29/2019 | Sponsored by HumanOptics
How can we eliminate positive and negative dysphotopsia? The best answer may be the ASPIRAaXA
09/27/2019 | Tara Moore
Genetic screening for keratoconus is becoming a reality
Most people on extreme diets won’t know what they are doing to their eyesight – until it’s too late
09/25/2019 | Phoebe Harkin
The latest ophthalmology research – in brief
09/24/2019 | Aleksandra Jones
This month's image shows a Christmas tree cataract
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Redressing Representation
Living with TED: My Race from Patient to Advocate
How Dry Eye Disease Impacts Younger Patients
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