05/04/2020 | Kerry Assil
Better aberrometry measurements and refined flap parameters have continuously improved LASIK results – but there is still work to be done
05/04/2020 | Aleksandra Jones
Research into a rare genetic disease could improve understanding of glaucoma
04/29/2020 | Phoebe Harkin
The industry’s contributions to the global fight against COVID-19
04/28/2020 | Phoebe Harkin
Researchers uncover a new connection between elevated FHR-4 levels and AMD
04/28/2020 | Aleksandra Jones
With pediatric visual acuity visits postponed, can home-based testing options fill the gap?
04/27/2020 | Phoebe Harkin
CHLA researchers uncover a breakthrough biopsy method for retinoblastoma
04/22/2020 | Sponsored by Santen Pharmaceuticals
Is artificial intelligence tomorrow’s answer to screening, management, and treatment? Experts weigh in.
04/21/2020 | Sponsored by FCI Ophthalmics
How important is appropriate training for retinal surgeons? And how can their knowledge and skills be continually updated and improved?
04/20/2020 | Phoebe Harkin
A Sightsavers advisor is shortlisted for a prestigious humanitarian prize
04/17/2020 | Aleksandra Jones
How to keep an eye on recent developments in ophthalmology
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Redressing Representation
Living with TED: My Race from Patient to Advocate
How Dry Eye Disease Impacts Younger Patients
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