12/02/2013 | Mark Hillen
The AAO are encouraging diabetics to do something to protect their vision: visit their opthalmologist.
12/02/2013 | Richard Gallagher
One of the most striking aspects of ophthalmology has been the intensity of manufacturers’ stated commitment to innovation.
To compare intraocular pressure (IOP) measurements obtained by rebound tonometry (Icare PRO tonometer)
Sitting Down With Daniel Palanker, Associate Professor, Department of Ophthalmology, School of Medicine, and Hansen Experimental Physics Laboratory, Stanford University
Advice for young ophthalmologists on navigating the early stages of their careers in practice, in business, and in life.
10/29/2013 | Caroline McHugh
These simple, clever tips crystallize several years’ worth of experience in the development and operation of a modern eye hospital. You may know some of them already – but there’s likely at least one you don’t.
10/29/2013 | Mark Hillen
Google Glass is the latest iteration of wearable computers that use head-up displays. Here, we examine how it works and assess the potential contribution that Glass might make in the ophthalmology clinic.
10/29/2013 | David Keegan
Why I offer implantable miniature telescopes (IMTs) to my patients with bilateral end-stage macular degeneration.
10/28/2013 | Sophia Ktori
A meta-analysis turns the premise that statin use increases the risk of cataract development on its head
10/28/2013 | Mark Hillen
Can Hoya IOLs regain market position after being withdrawn for the best part of a year?
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Redressing Representation
Living with TED: My Race from Patient to Advocate
How Dry Eye Disease Impacts Younger Patients
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